Thyroid Pathology for the Practising Pathologists

Thyroid Pathology for the Practising Pathologists


31 décembre 2025    
8 h 45 min - 16 h 00 min


Se pré-inscrire

Présentiel Paris, Paris

Type d’évènement

Understand the interest of these changes of 2023 WHO Classifications of Thyroid neoplasms and 2023 Bethesda System
Prof. Manuel Sobrinho-Simoes (Porto, Portugal) – Prof. Giovanni Tallini(Bologna, Italy) – Dr Genevieve Belleannée (Bordeaux, France) – Prof. Philippe Vielh (Medipath & American Hospital of Paris)
Advance registration for  2025  june  course – Date to be fixed

 Course Directors
Prof. Manuel Sobrinho-Simoes (Porto, Portugal)
Prof. Giovanni Tallini(Bologna, Italy)
Dr Genevieve Bellannée(Bordeaux, France)
Prof. Philippe Vielh (Medipath & American Hospital of Paris)
Honorary Directors: Prof. Rudolf Heimann (Brussels, Belgium) and Prof. Juan Rosai (Milano, Italy)

Course of 2 days

Meeting Room located at he first floor of the Biochimie Building
Service Anatomie & Cytologie Pathologiques du Pr. Brochériou
83 Boulevard de l’Hôpital – 75013 Paris
Metro Station Saint Marcel Line 5 / Metro Station Gare d’Austerlitz Line 10 + 9min walking

Accessibilité aux personnes en situation d’handicap

Group of participants

Day 1, 9:45am/3pm
Day 2, 9:00am/6:30pm

This 2-day Course in Thyroid Tumors will consist of
– Lectures alternating with discussions of cases.
–  Access to the  Slide seminar and to the PowerPoint presentations
After the completion of the session, participants will be able to:
1. Know the changes in the 2023 WHO Classifications of Thyroid neoplasms and 2023 Bethesda System and understand the interest of these changes.
2. Describe and diagnose the common types of well-differentiated (papillary and follicular; invasive or circumscribed growth pattern; low grade and high grade), poorly differentiated and undifferentiated carcinomas, as well as medullary carcinoma
3. Make the differential diagnosis of the major types of encapsulated follicular patterned tumours – follicular adenoma, follicular variant of papillary carcinoma and minimally invasive follicular carcinoma – Understand and learn to utilize the following diagnostic terms: follicular tumour of uncertain malignant (FT- UMP), well-differentiated tumour of uncertain malignant (WDT-UMP), andNoninvasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear features (NIFTP).
4. Understand and learn to utilize the criteria for vascular invasion, lymphatic invasion and capsular invasion (and to avoid the term “lymphovascular” invasion).
5. Understand and learn to utilize immunohistochemical and molecular markers for diagnostic and prognostic/predictive purposes in the field of thyroid pathology.

Participants are strongly encouraged to send interesting virtual cases (1 or 2)  svs or ndpi files  in advance, deadline later indicated,  (rather than bringing slides) for interactive discussion. Please send them via Wetransfer free until 2 Go.

Technical Support
Virtual slides web access before the course.
Lectures alternating with interactive slide reviews and slide seminars
The fees included registration, access to the slide seminar, and to the PowerPoint presentations and coffee breaks and lunchs

– Changes in the 2023 WHO Classifications of Thyroid neoplasms and 2023 Bethesda System
– Nodular goiter and hyperplastic lesions: WHO 2023 recommends the term nodular disease of follicular cells.
– Adenoma, follicular carcinoma, tumor of uncertain malignant potential, and NIFTP
– Papillary carcinoma, subtypes, and very small papillary carcinomas
– Poorly differentiated carcinoma (Turin criteria) and differentiated high-grade carcinoma
– Anaplastic carcinoma
– Medullary carcinoma
– Cytopathology of thyroid lesions, including thyroiditis and lymphomas
– Oncocytic tumors
– Unusual cases, and the immunohistochemical and molecular markers useful to diagnose them
– Pitfalls in thyroid pathology

References & Bibliograpy
– Chapter on thyroid in the 2023 WHO Classification Tumours of Endocrine Organs
–  or Overview of the 2022 WHO Classification of Thyroid Neoplasms. Baloch and al. Endocrine Pathology 2022; 33: 27-63

Lodging Accommodation
We strongly suggest that your book your hotel located closed to a subway station of line 10, in Saint Germain des Prés & Luxembourg district called the 6th District, much more attractive than the 13rd district and you will take the Subway to come to the venue
To the venue
Concerning travel time please count 3 minutes by metro station.

Please Get on  Subway Line 10 direction Gare d’Auterlitz and  get off at Gare d’Austerlitz Station
From there  you can:
– Get on the line 5 from Gare d’Austerlitz direction Place d’Italie,   Get off at Saint Marcel Station and look for Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière exit – 7 minutes walk to     Service of Prof. I Brochériou
– Or walk from Gare d’Austerlitz to  the Service of Prof. I Brochériou at Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière it will take 20 minutes



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